From Blogging to Hot-Dogging
What a month, you guys. I can't believe I ate blogged the whole thing. And next week, I'm gonna sit down and write a really good navelgazing post about the merciless month-long thrill that was the A to Z Blogging Challenge.
Right now, though, the DFW Writers Conference is happening this very weekend, and I am 100% booked until then! I'm doing this class, see, and I am so freakin' stoked about it:
It's going to be educatastrophic! You know, in a good way.
Anyway, I'm all nostalgic just now, because at this time last year, I was busy barfing on my shoes just thinking about going to my first-ever conference and pitching to actual agents. If you're going to this or some other great literary event and feel your penny loafers are likewise in imminent danger of meeting your lunch, take solace and learn from my mistakes! Here are a select few of my bloggy baby pictures posts from DFWcon 2012:
Cue Training Montage - in which the reality of the upcoming event sinks in, and "Eye of the Tiger" starts playing in the background.
DFWcon 1: New Neighbors - or, how writers' conferences are basically Hogwarts Disneyland Woodstock carnival-prom (for book nerds), and why that is so important.
DFWcon 2: Lessons - the do's and don'ts and remember-for-next-times
The Dry Heaves of Destiny - in which, almost three months after the conference, I finally send my manuscript to the Agent of My Dreams
By the Power of the Crimson Couch... - the climactic moment, almost four months after I had originally pitched to her at DFWcon 2012
So there you have it, happy people: do your homework, eat your Wheaties, and remember that Mr. Rogers likes you just the way you are. It's going to be a grand time!
I feel good. I feel great. I feel wonderful. I feel good. I feel great. I feel wonderful.