And the Winner Is...
Okay, has been down for 14 hours now, and I can't stand the suspense anymore. So, courtesy of, we have...
Febe Moss, come on down! (Email me and let me know where Amazon can find you - soon, all the sentence-structuring secrets of the cosmos will be yours!)
HUGE thanks to all you guys who participated in this humble little project. This has been hugely helpful and heartening, and I can't wait to start rolling out your awesome ideas. (I was surprised at how many people slipped me wonderful suggestions behind the scenes - maybe next time I should skip the prize and just ask y'all to wring your brains out on command!)
Also, while we're conjugating "yay" and "huzzah", give a huge one to David Cambron - you know, the guy with all those naked bunnies? Yeah, he's just signed papers with Inklings Literary Agency, but if you hurry and go right now, you MAY be able to say that you knew him before he was cool. (This probably means I'll have to quit bullying him in the parking lot at our writers workshop, though. Dang.)
Lastly, keep your eye on Yes, it's the blog for the DFW Writers' Conference, but you don't need to be a local conference-goer to get good mileage out of it: we're going to be running weekly features on broader writing topics, and would really love to have input from writers of all types and stripes. It's a quality operation. And I'm not just saying that because they made me the editor.
--Hey, who wants to play Drink the Beer?
--Right here.
--You win!
--All right, what do I win?
--Another beer!
Febe Moss, come on down! (Email me and let me know where Amazon can find you - soon, all the sentence-structuring secrets of the cosmos will be yours!)
HUGE thanks to all you guys who participated in this humble little project. This has been hugely helpful and heartening, and I can't wait to start rolling out your awesome ideas. (I was surprised at how many people slipped me wonderful suggestions behind the scenes - maybe next time I should skip the prize and just ask y'all to wring your brains out on command!)
Also, while we're conjugating "yay" and "huzzah", give a huge one to David Cambron - you know, the guy with all those naked bunnies? Yeah, he's just signed papers with Inklings Literary Agency, but if you hurry and go right now, you MAY be able to say that you knew him before he was cool. (This probably means I'll have to quit bullying him in the parking lot at our writers workshop, though. Dang.)
Lastly, keep your eye on Yes, it's the blog for the DFW Writers' Conference, but you don't need to be a local conference-goer to get good mileage out of it: we're going to be running weekly features on broader writing topics, and would really love to have input from writers of all types and stripes. It's a quality operation. And I'm not just saying that because they made me the editor.
--Hey, who wants to play Drink the Beer?
--Right here.
--You win!
--All right, what do I win?
--Another beer!